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University Democrats were first registered at the University of Texas at Austin as a student organization in 1953. Since then, we have been committed to promoting progressive values, electing Democratic candidates, and turning Texas blue. You may also know us as Young Democrats and UT Democrats.


Our leadership team, UDLC (University Democrats Leadership Committee), is elected every semester to best serve the interests of our growing organization. As we enter once more into a busy legislative session, UDLC is excited to get students engaged in local politics and voting like never before. 

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Caitlin is a junior Government Major on the prelaw track, and is am so honored to serve as the new University Democrats President. As President, she looks forward to utilizing her expertise in campaigns and Democratic policy to further progressive change in the greater Austin area and on the 40 acres.

Caitlin Kalb


Ally is a junior Government major from Dallas. She is passionate about making the voting process more accessible on campus and protecting diversity and inclusion in higher education. This semester, she looks forward to mobilizing students by showing them how to turn their concerns into action during the 89th Legislative Session. As Vice President she is committed to giving young people a voice in government and representing those across the state who are impacted but can't be there to advocate for themselves.

Emily Moreno


Emily Moreno is a first-year Government major and so excited to be comms director this upcoming semester! She is passionate about affordable healthcare, immigration reform, and reproductive rights. Emily believes that students need to be informed now more than ever and that starts with a great communications team! Throughout the semester she will be implementing more engaging content that readily informs students on the local, state, and federal government.

Ally Flores
Jack Chrismon


​Jack Chrismon is a sophomore studying International Relations and Economics. Originally hailing from Dallas, Jack sparked his passion for politics volunteering in the 2018 Beto Campaign. As treasurer this semester, Jack is excited to see what UDems can accomplish during the legislative session. In his free time, Jack loves to visit the LBJ Library and read about the political history of our state.



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Elif Painaik


Elif Painaik is a sophomore government and economics double major from Austin. She is passionate about issues such as women's rights, the environment, and education, and has aspirations to become an attorney. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her three cats, hiking, and getting lost on the Austin bus system.

Nicole Tarragona


Nicole Tarragona is a freshman double majoring in Government and International Relations & Global Studies. As the New Membership Director for University Democrats, she's really excited for our upcoming membership bonding activities and for the opportunity to get even more students politically involved on campus this spring semester! As membership director she looks forward to working with everyone and building a stronger, more engaged community here at The University of Texas at Austin.

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Adit Raha


Adit Raha is a Freshman Economics and Plan Il major from Chicago. He is passionate about fighting for high quality healthcare for all, improving public education, and making our cities more livable. This semester, he is excited to register students to vote, inform them about the legislative process, and help them understand their ability to influence Texas politics.

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